When the government comes to town, you vacuum the baseboards, lock up your knives, and plug all the outlets. Without a list of specifics they were looking for, I went out and researched other people's home inspections and made my own extensive checklist to complete. of course, most of it was unnecessary but at least our entire house is childproofed. In Hennipen county all you need is working fire alarms, a fire extinguisher, first aid kit, working flashlight, and water cooler than 120 degrees coming out of the faucet. That is about it- pretty basic.
The rest of the visit was filled with paperwork, signing nondisclosure, and information protection documents. Our next appointment is in a week- and it is the Home study- more of an in-depth questioning interview meeting. However, now we know who our social worker is and it doesn't seem as scary.
Below are some of the references I use for research on foster care and the process of licensing: