It's amazing the things that need explaining, that you never thought you'd have to explain to anyone.
-Don't eat turkey off the bus floor
-You don't need to say "hi" to everyone who passes our car (parked downtown)
-How to walk up a hill (for sledding)
Since Buttercup does well with logic- in the right mood- and lists we narrowed down some good rules for different occasions.
When something is too hard
1. Try Again
2. Ask for help
3. Have a hissy fit (not a good choice but you gotta do what you gotta do - even as an adult)
Rules for having a good day at school
1. Listen to your teachers ALLLL day - even if you don't want to (with Pocahontas motion on the 'all')

2. Keep your body to yourself - don't kick or hit anyone for any reason
3. ONLY food and your toothbrush go in your mouth (although she just says "don't eat poison or pointy things" both of which she has done)
What "common sense" idea did you have to teach a kid?