First, wired by society- anticipating the weekend and the end of the work week. Except now that jellybean has weekend visits I just feel rushed to the weekend via the symphony of screaming and Friday afternoon Minneapolis traffic. With Roman working weekends as well, its just anticipating being alone for two days- which is just not what I had planned on happening at the beginning of this strange adventure.

Then I spend the weekend anticipating Sunday night pickup (after all the laundry is done)! Wondering what version of this child I will be receiving today. How crabby, tired, full of junk food, or sick will he be? Will he be wearing the correct size clothes?

Add in court dates and that is a whole other level of anticipating. No one knows anything beforehand about what is actually going to be decided or discussed or asked in court. For our most recent court date I was convinced in my head that jellybean was going home- But, as it turns out we have a little bit more time with him- how much time, no one knows but I am appreciative of the time we do have.

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