I picked up Buttercup from her shelter home- it was much like the scene in Annie when they are in the office at the orphanage and the kids are peaking through the door. Everybody knew Buttercup was leaving, and a few hollered out the window at me from the 2nd floor "Are you gonna be Buttercups family?" it was all quite exciting.
She came with on bag of things, leggings, a few long sleeves, and a blanket. I had been at the store earlier when one of the workers from the shelter called to see when I was coming. I was asking him what she likes, and what kind of clothes she may need, and all of his reactions were on the spectrum of surprise that I was even at the store picking up things for her. It was really nice to have someone to give us a few tips and strategies for comforting Buttercup during this time of transition.
we had a whirlwind of a day, first we went home and put all of our things away, all of the things I got here were met with "I hate that" or "That's Ugly" which, if you have a kid with zero control, the only option is to have a strong opinion, about 20 minutes later it turned into "That's my favorite"
Next, we picked Roman up and went to Mahtomedi for a wienie roast with my cousins and their kids (including a fellow 4 yr old) walking down to the fire Buttercup got very quiet, put her hood on and didn't want to talk to anyone. Cora ran down, determined to be her BFF, and they ended up sitting in the tent and acclimating to all these new people- as well as being in the woods.
As she came out of her shell she learned how fun it is to crack peanuts, cook hot dogs, and eat smores. Also, she decided that root beer tastes like "Spicy with chocolate"- if you think about it, shes pretty right about that!
We went on an adventure in the woods- balancing on logs, finding puffballs, and carrying sticks back to the fire. Everybody had a blast, and everybody was ready for bed! What a great first day!