Things buttercup cried over this morning:
1. The "boy shorts" I chose because her rainbow skirt is dirty
2. The socks I chose (I gave her a choice, she chose secret choice #3- not choosing)
3. The sock that fell on the ground- how are you supposed to put one sock on if the other is on the floor????
4. The book I read at breakfast (I gave her a choice, she chose secret choice #3- not choosing)
5. The apricot in her bowl
6. The toothpaste cap- it wouldn't open, but no way can anyone else do it!
7. brushing teeth
8. Not wanting to put on shoes (I gave her a choice, she chose secret choice #3- not choosing)
9. Not wanting roman to put on her shoes for her (again secret choice #3)
10. Putting lotion on her face (again, secret choice #3)
11. Getting in the car
Roman wins patient parent of the day- because when all the women in the house are crabby- Roman Rises.
1. The "boy shorts" I chose because her rainbow skirt is dirty
2. The socks I chose (I gave her a choice, she chose secret choice #3- not choosing)
3. The sock that fell on the ground- how are you supposed to put one sock on if the other is on the floor????
4. The book I read at breakfast (I gave her a choice, she chose secret choice #3- not choosing)
5. The apricot in her bowl
6. The toothpaste cap- it wouldn't open, but no way can anyone else do it!
7. brushing teeth
8. Not wanting to put on shoes (I gave her a choice, she chose secret choice #3- not choosing)
9. Not wanting roman to put on her shoes for her (again secret choice #3)
10. Putting lotion on her face (again, secret choice #3)
11. Getting in the car
Roman wins patient parent of the day- because when all the women in the house are crabby- Roman Rises.

I'm going to start using secret choice #3 too! ;)