Monday, July 30, 2018

Scotty The Hottie

On the way to a party fundraiser for Vision Slovakia, I was teaching Buttercup that when people say hello, you say hello back and say your name. She did really well with this at the party and soon picked up that the next question is usually "How old are you". She smartly just threw that in saying "I'm Buttercup, and I'm 5"

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On the way home we stopped at Wendy's to grab some dinner, she was talking at me while I was ordering. She was telling me that I didn't have good manners because I didn't say my name to the walkie-talkie. I pulled up to the window and explained that Buttercup called me out on my manners and that my name was Emily, and thank you very much for taking our order.

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 This guy was one of those guys that LOVES his job and has a great time working at Wendy's. He responded with "Nice to meet you, I'm Scottie the Hottie! and I'm here to serve!" He and Buttercup are BFFS now.

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