Next morning after delicious breakfast consisted with oatmeal and hot chocolate/coffee we hit the trail once again, but just for a two miles or so. We had to cross some stream which Em crossed on her feet and I double jumped across with a help of a stone. So Em had her shoes wet and I did not. Yet. Next stream we had to cross Em crossed it on fallen trees. I tried to do the same but I accidentally jumped to the mud deep to my ankles, luckily only one foot got the full hit. Now we both marked from our trip we went on. The map we got from rangers was little bit confusing so we ended up in a wrong camping site, which we did not know right away because it was place with beach and bear proof food lockers. We built our tent and stayed there for a while, we went to see a geyser basin which was pretty close to our fake campsite. We saw a geyser go off, what looked pretty nice.
Morning wasn't what we hoped for. It was cloudy. So we ate our breakfast, packed our wet stuff, got some water from lake by using our new awesome water filter which I did not see before in my whole life.,and went on our 9 miles long hike home. The only advantage of cloudy weather was that it wasn't hot. Mosquitoes were our company the whole way home. So many mosquito bites. We left our campsite around 8.30 and we got back at like 1.30. Pretty good time I think. We put all our wet clothes to the washer, shoes and sleeping bags to the car and took a shower. My overall feelings after this back country camping were really good. Good way to spend some time away from all the craziness.
Here some photo's.
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