Tuesday, March 14, 2017

The Adventures of Fred and Millie

I wrote this story a while ago right after we got Millie, hope you like it!

Once upon a time there was a little puppy named Fred lost in the wilderness of Tennessee. One day a Human found him and took him on a long car ride to a house. The house had some small humans, and some dog friends for Fred to play with. A few days later two humans came to pet Fred, and they took him to their house to be a part of their pack.

He became the king of the castle. He ate big cakes and turkey legs every day, and spent a lot of time taking naps in his giant bed, or on the fluffy couch. He had fun looking out over his kingdom and growling at the bunnies eating clover below him. Fred was happy with his new humans. He learned how to captain a ship, and how to swim- although he didn’t really like getting his ears wet.  And of course, the humans took Fred on his favorite adventures- camping!

After a while Fred became very lonely. He missed having other four legged friends to talk to when his Humans were gone, and he needed some help- because humans are very hard to keep in a Herd. They are always running away- so frustrating!

One day at the dog park Fred met a friend named Millie. She was long and short like Fred but she looked different! Her fur was very fluffy and her tail was very long but they both had tiger stripes. After a short car ride- Fred and Millie were riding together. At first Fred was sad that he had to share his car, his bed, and his humans. After a few days Fred realized that Millie was going to be a part of their pack for a long time. He was so happy to have someone to lead, and Millie was happy to have an alpha to teach her that Humans were good- they have all the treats after all.

Fred and Millie became best friends and spend their days herding humans. Fred taught Millie how to be First Mate of the boat, and Millie taught Fred that thunder and fireworks aren’t something to be so afraid of. They live happily ever after as a new pack hunting rabbits, sailing, and prancing through the tall grass. 

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