This weekend we had our first visit with Mom. For all the time and energy I spend to try and get Jellybean to nap, and bed, OF COURSE, he fell asleep right as we arrived- the last thing I wanted was to give mom a sleepy, crabby kid. There weren't any social workers involved because the visit was in an in patient treatment center- and the exchange of Jellybean was really informal. It only seemed weird in hindsight though.
We parked in the wrong place and ended up walking almost all the way around a city block to find the right door. then a whole group of people came rushing out of the building to meet us. Jellybean was very overwhelmed and then happy to go. There were step siblings, and who Jellybean believes to be his dad, and some other people too, the whole gang was there! I left pretty quickly just to give the family space.
Three hours is a lot of time to kill. My dad and I went out to lunch at midtown global market and walked around a bit, and then I still had an hour to wait. It was a drizzly rainy day so taking a walk or sitting in a park wasn't an option. I ended up getting McDonalds coffee, and sitting in the car listening to a Norse Mythology audible book- I totally fell asleep, it was glorious.
Pick up went well too! He ran out to see me when I got there, and I got a little time to talk to Mom, and schedule our next Visit. Jellybean and I had made her a card in the morning with a picture of him, some of his coloring, and a "get well" message which she was thankful for. Our next visit is on Tuesday, and hopefully, it won't be with the whole gang- I think both of them just need some 1-1 time.
Except for the pizza roll and Frosting covered face that was returned to me, everything went well. We have been eating pretty healthy so the frosting went straight to his head. We had a great time running around the skyways while waiting for Roman to get off work. We pushed all the buttons and talked to all the security guards.