Monday, August 21, 2017

20 minute adventure

It is no longer convenient to be "Ender Early". Jellybean does not love the car so just  hanging out until Roman is done with work is not an option. We parked, and had a 20 minute adventure walking around the block, and through the lobby of The W downtown.

All was not lost! We made many friends because the toy of choice for the day was a rubber, squeaky grilled chicken leg (originally a dog toy). It was super fun to throw it on the ground and stomp on it to make it squeak- and we turned a lot of heads hearing murmurs of "is that little kid carrying a steak/pork-chop??"

its a chicken get it right :D  p.s.  it took us 30 minutes to walk all the way around one block.

*for non Ender readers: 'Ender early' means arriving between 20 minutes, and 1 hour before you planned. if your not 15 minutes early, you're late, or probably dead.