1. they label all the kids so well! backpack tags, name tags, and 'new kindergartener badges
2. Riding the bus is really fun, sometimes someone has to holler so she gets off
3. What did you do today? "nothing" is just a reflex response, not a learned teenager thing as I thought.

Day one:
We Buttercups backpack was empty- and that didn't seem right so i put an apple in it only to get an email from the teacher later. She very politely asked us not to pack snacks because the apple caused quite a commotion- SORRY! I can totally see it now. Buttercup eats so slow we were worried she wouldn't be able to eat lunch, and sure enough, she got off thebus sucking on the core of the apple asking for a snack

Day two:
On the way home from work I got a call from the school - from something like student body health counselor or something (?) saying that Buttercup got sent to the office for not listening. I was not surprised, the counselor also said that Buttercup was telling her all about how she is new to Minnesota because she moved here from California....... which made me laugh because it's absolutely false. Upon retrieval from the bus, Buttercup says "look I got stickers from Mrs. Fox!" I asked her why she went to Mrs. Fox's office and she said: "Um, duh, to get stickers." OOOHhhkay, no.
Day three:
Buttercup turned it all the way around and brought home a PAWS ticket for being respectful and kind.
We will see how the next week goes :D
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