Monday, September 10, 2018

Mermaids, Wizards, and Fairies- OH MY!

We made it to the renaissance festival!
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To see as much as we could, we got there at opening- so we could see the king talk, and the jokers and be with the excitement of the crowd before the gates open. Buttercup was really excited on the walk to the castle- but there was a little too much weird for her in that crowd, next time I think we will skip that part. Of course, we had her wear her wings so she could fit in with the fairies.

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We walked around, saw the petting zoo, and all the people's costumes before we settled down at the robin hood show. She was really into it and ended up going to sit in the front "so she could get splashed". After the show, we ran into a blue wizard, he gave Buttercup a dragon's tear! Apparently, it contains very powerful magic. she wore the necklace until the thread broke but its now safe in her treasure box.
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We got some bratwursts and a blooming onion and had a water break before we went to the fairy forest. This whole area is great! there are dragon eggs, an eye spy amount of fairy houses hidden in the woods, there were BUBBLES! and fairies splashing around in the ponds. she even got a fairy stone (the origin of fairy dust) from one of her fellow fairies.

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Next, we found ourself surrounded by a parade! we got to watch it two times! then we found all the princesses, learned how to cross stitch with yarn on burlap, and listened to mermaid story time- I was wondering how the mermaid would appear, and I was not disappointed- a servant man to the princesses carried the mermaid over from the pond.

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At this point, everyone was very hot and tired, and I was dehydrated from sharing my water. we decided to just go see the mermaids and then start the epic quest to the car. The mermaid area was very exciting! we got squirted by a playful one, got to take a picture with another, and there was one blowing heart bubbles at Buttercup! very exciting! and TOTALLY real!
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As usual, the walk back to the car took ages, and Buttercup was telling us she was hot and tired, and her legs hurt- but she stopped whining after I told her the secret: ALL of us are hot and tired and thirsty with sore legs! she had a great nap on the way home, we all had a great time even though we had to call it quits before seeing the jousting, or the Washer Women or other shows. Next time I might pick a cooler day, skip the opening, and bring more snacks in the backpack
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