Once upon a time, my brother did and in my opinion- didn't get an appropriate consequence. My mom said "If I grounded him, it would just be punishing myself" - I'm certain that is absolutely true. This weekend as a consequence for buttercup I certainly tortured myself.
All I was asking was what day of the week it is. We caught up on letters, numbers, and spelling- now we are working on days of the week. It was absolutely pulling teeth to get any kind of answer. I know she knows them. I KNOW SHE DOES! She silently pointed to Sunday on the calendar finally.
Me: "ok, what day is it today?"
Buttercup: silence
Me: "point to today on the calendar"
Buttercup: points to the correct day
Me: ok "what letter does that start with?"
Buttercup: "S"
Me: Great! what day of the week starts with S?"
Buttercup: "Tuesday"
Me: "nope, Tuesday starts with a 't-t-t' sound what days start with 'sssss'?"
Buttercup: "Tuesday"
so we wrote Sunday out, she traced my letters she wrote her own letters. then we started again
Me: "ok, what day is it today?"
Buttercup: silence
Me: "point to today on the calendar"
Buttercup: points to the correct day
Me: ok "what letter does that start with?"
Buttercup: "S"
Me: "Super! what day of the week starts with S?"
Buttercup: "Tuesday" now grinning ear to ear. knowing its the totally wrong answer.
We jumped all around singing/chanting about how its Sunday- I made her scream out the door trying to wake up her friend Isaiah across the street "SUNDAY SUNDAY SUNDAY! its a visit day!" AGAIN...
Me: "ok, what day is it today?"
Buttercup: points to the correct day
Me: ok "what letter does that start with?"
Buttercup: "S"
Me: "Good job! what day of the week starts with S?"
Buttercup: "Tuesday"

I could have let it go. But I couldn't- she was trolling me so hard! So I downloaded a days of the week song we listened to it on repeat all the way to Roman's work and alllll the way back home, then while we practiced writing days of the week at home. The song was mind-numbingly dull and irritating- but I figured, the more annoying, the better she might catch on right?? 45 minutes after we began listening to the song she stops and says "wait..... did they just say Sunday??"
After her visit, and picking up Roman, he asked her "what day is it today?"
Buttercup: [enthousiastically] "Tuesday!"