Without divulging too much of his case- apparently this is not Jellybean's Mom's first rodeo, so the social worker is hesitant to send jellybean back to early- having to remove him again, causing more trauma. Since he is doing so well in our care, she decided that he will be staying with us until at least Mid- November.
I am so glad! Not only do we love having him in our lives, but he is doing so well. He is becoming independent, developing his speech, and I think he has a lot more learning opportunities with us than he would at home. In short- he isn't ready to leave, nor am I ready (I realize I probably will never be ready for him to go- but now I can procrastinate those feelings!)
Now we know we get to do Halloween! I have SO many ideas! What are your halloween ideas so far? YES I realized its only September but Halloween is fun!

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